We invite you to the fifth LUGoNS meetup of 2024, which will be held on Saturday June 8th 2024 from 12:00-15:00 at Radio Cafe, Svetozara Miletića 45, Novi Sad.
This time we will focus on useful commands and personal configuration of the Vim editor.
LUGoNS meetup May 11th 2024
LUGoNS meetup April 13th 2024
We invite you to the third LUGoNS meetup of 2024, which will be held on Saturday April 13th 2024 from 12:00-15:00 at Radio Cafe, Svetozara Miletića 45, Novi Sad
We will continue our exploration of Bash features and also create and collect SSH keys for future access to our lab server
In general we’ll try to stick to a regular schedule of meetups on the 2nd Saturday of each month
File uploads related to our meetups will be available at
To receive notifications of these announcements you can subscribe to the RSS feed at https://events.lugons.org/?feed=rss
LUGoNS meetup March 9th 2024
We invite you to the second LUGoNS meetup of 2024, which will be held on Saturday, March 9th 2024 from 12:00 – 15:00 at Radio Cafe, Svetozara Miletića 45, Novi Sad
Planned topics are hands-on personalized configuration of SSH and Bash.
LUGoNS BarCamp №5
We invite you to the Fifth LUGoNS BarCamp, which will be held on Saturday, December 17th 2016 at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad, with the beginning scheduled for 12:00 in the Amphitheatre A3. The Fifth LUGoNS BarCamp is organized in cooperation with the Chair of Applied computer sciences.
The primary goal of LUGoNS BarCamp is interconnection of communities, be it regional or international, socializing, hacking, learning and networking. We are actively working on strenghtening and expanding the community, and making a place where knowledge and experience could be shared.
For anyone who missed the previously held LUGoNS BarCamps, you can watch the lectures online at ftp://ftp.lugons.org/01_BarCamp_01122012/ , ftp://ftp.lugons.org/02_BarCamp_23032013/ and ftp://ftp.lugons.org/03_BarCamp_08022014/ .
All communities from the region are more than welcome!
Entrance is FREE!
List of lectures (start times are preliminary):
Nebojša Badnjar – Kako radi internet i IXP (12h)
Zoran Vujović – Docker Fundamentals (13h)
Milorad Kubatović – Bioinformatički inženjering (14h)
Get-jan Los – An introduction to UNIX’ users, groups and file permissions (EN) (14:45h)
Tomislav Perić – How to make a botnet (EN) (15:15h)
Goran Mekić – FreeBSD jail – implementacija kontejnera (15:45h)
Sharky – Web Browser Hardening (16:15h)
Faculty of Technical Sciences
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6
21000 Novi Sad
Amphitheatre A3
View Larger Map
Call for Papers for 4th Balkan Computer Congress – BalCCon2k16
09|10|11 September 2016, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
The Event
Balkan Computer Congress is an annual three days gathering of the international hacker community in the organization of LUGoNS – Linux Users Group of Novi Sad and Wau Holland foundation from Hamburg. The first part of the program has been envisaged to be a set of presentations, workshops and lectures on the current topics regarding privacy, technology, software development, free software & socio-political issues. Hands-on projects and hacking have been planned for the second part of the program.
The Location
Novi Sad is the centre of Vojvodina, northern province of Serbia, famous for its multicultural history and active artistic and technological scene (e.g., music festival Exit and digital-media event Share). With a prestigious night life combined with the warm and welcoming character, Novi Sad offers inexpensive prices for lodging and dining, compared to the neighbouring EU. If you’re in Novi Sad or nearby during these dates, this is the place you want to be!
Our Goal
Our goal is to gather all the communities from the region, continent and the World in an effort to hack, play, learn, pass knowledge and exchange experience. BalCCon aims to become the central hacker community in South East Balkan, as well as to provide an opportunity for all people in this part of Europe to connect and to cooperate.
Having said that, we would like to invite you to make and send us proposals for talks, lectures and workshops on all topics of relevance. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Hardware: Hacking, Making, Electronics, Lock Picking…
- Software: Programming, A.I., F.O.S.S., Demo scene, preservation…
- Security : reverse engineering, vulndev, malware, penetration testing,
- Networks / Telecommunication: Internet, Alternative networks, GSM, HAM Radio…
- Privacy: T.O.R., Darknets, Crypto…
- Legal, Political and Social: Hacker Ethics, Forensics, Censorship, Politics, Hackerspaces/Communities, Psychology…
- Science: DIY science, citizen scitents, emerging research, novel uses of technology, crowdsourcing for science…
- Arts And Crafts: LASERs!!!, music, wearable electronics, artisan crafts, retro gaming, food, brewing, fermentation …
And any other topic we might have missed but you think might be interesting!
Submission Guidelines
Online submissions only:
All submissions of lectures and workshops have to be entered into our conference planning system, which is located at the following URL: https://frab.balccon.org/en/balccon2k16/cfp/session/new. Please follow the instructions there. If you have any questions regarding the submission, you are welcome to contact us via e-mail at orga (at) balccon.org.
Talks should be no longer than 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions and answers. Longer slots are possible in principle. There are 20-minute slots as well. Please tell us the proposed length of your talk at the time of submission. In addition, there are 5-minute short talks (so-called Lightning Talks) for small ideas, projects, or rants. These will only be organized during the event.
Language of the Presentation
BalCCon is an international conference, therefore your submissions should be in English. It is expected that we will have participants from all over the World, so it is important to have a common language.
Travel Expenses
The Balkan Computer Congress is a non-profit oriented event and speakers are not paid. However, financial help on accommodation may be possible, within our means, for all accepted submissions. Don’t be shy and state your requirements in the application when submitting your proposal.
Dates and Deadlines
All submissions will be reviewed by our Program Committee. Authors will be notified upon acceptance of their talk.
- July 1st, 2016 (23:59 UTC): Submission deadline
- July 15th, 2016: Final notification of acceptance
- September 09th – 11th, 2015: BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress
All submissions will be judged equally, disregarding race and gender. Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event program or disregard any proposal if found inappropriate for this conference.
BarCamp BL 0x01 – Call for Papers (CfP)
When: On Saturday June 06.2015.
Where: Faculty of Electrical Engineering – ETF
Patre 5
78000 Banja Luka
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Time: 12:00 – 20:00h
Call for Papers(CfP)
We invite all interested parties to submit their work (lectures, presentations, workshops and discussions) until May 30th, 2015.
Topics for participation are:
- Free software
- Interesting hardware
- Security nightmares
- Hacking laws
- Deep Web
- Social Networks – unexpected usage, abuse and analysis
- Social Engineering
- Anonymity and Privacy on the Internet
- Mobile Device Hacking and Telecommunication Security, Security of the Apps
- Clouds – hacking, breaking, unexpected usage
- DPI (deep packet inspection) – current state of introduction, breaking, circumvention and political situation
- Net and device neutrality – ownership, censorship, circumvention, search engine politics and the politics of de-facto standards
- Programming languages — state of the art, development and research
Do not hesitate and feel free to contact us if you have work in the above or related topics, that you think we could find interesting.
In case you still do not know what BarCamp is..
BarCamp (often: unconference) is a gathering of users with public workshops and lectures, their content and progress are established by participants at the beginning of the meeting and are further developed during the gathering itself. BarCamp serves to share ideas, to discuss, for learning, for development and the product of this work can already partially be seen at the end of the event, by demonstrating concrete results (e.g. joint workshop program).
Linux Install Day: Saturday, 14th March 2015. from 10:00 to 14:00 hour
Installation and setup Linux by members of LUGoNS
Where, what, who?
Linux Install Day will be held on Saturday, 14th March 2015. from 10.00-14.00pm at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad. The idea is to help you to install Linux. For those who choose that we install Linux for them, they will receive from us installation DVD or CD, if we have them in stock.
Why are we doing this?
Many times people have asked us why we wanted to donate some knowledge, and then to resolve the mystery. We are not masochists who like to charge their work. Simply, if you want to do, (I mean business and jobs under Linux) we have to show people that this operating system is not a chore. The more of us there Linux users, the greater the chances for a job in a Linux environment. Another reason is that it is nice to help, such as people and helped us to stand on our feet with Linux.
What to bring?
First, take the good will and patience! Since there will be relatively few members LUGoNS, we can not guarantee that your machine will be taken care first. There are just few technical requests:
- First, If you make a desktop computer, carry case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and all cables
- Second ,on your computer, make sure to / leave a blank, unformatted partition of at least 10GB
Faculty of Techical Sciences
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
classroom 208
LUGoNS BarCamp №3 – Call for Papers (CfP)
When: On Saturday March 07.2015.
Where: Univerisity in Novi Sad
Faculty of Technical Sciences – FTN
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
Time: 12:00 – 20:00h
Call for Papers(CfP)
LUGoNS invites all interested parties to submit their work (lectures, presentations, workshops and discussions) until February 28th, 2015.
Topics for participation are:
- Free software
- Interesting hardware
- Security nightmares
- Hacking laws
- Deep Web
- Social Networks – unexpected use, abuse and analysis
- Social Engineering
- Anonymity and Privacy on the Internet
- Mobile Device Hacking and Telecommunications Security, Security of Apps
- Clouds – hacking, breaking, unexpected usage
- DPI (deep packet inspection) – current state of introduction, breaking, circumvention and political situation
- Net and device neutrality – ownership, censorship, circumvention, search engine politics and the politics of de-facto standards
- Programming languages — state of the art, development and research
In case you still do not know what BarCamp is..
BarCamp (often: unconference) is a gathering of users with public workshops and lectures, their content and progress are established by participants at the beginning of the meeting and are further developed during the gathering itself. BarCamp serves to share ideas, to discuss, for learning, for development and the product of this work can already partially be seen at the end of the event, by demonstrating concrete results (e.g. joint workshop program).
Django workshop #1 – Python web development – Intro Django tutorial 15. 11. 2014. 17h @ FTN classroom 203
Django – Python web framework
Requirements: bring your laptop, extension cables, novice level of
FAQ: It’s not required to know python.
Python is pretty much a mature programming language. It’s used in large
variety of tasks like user applications, science, a scripting laguage
and in web development. In this workshop we’ll present you the Django, a
Python framework for web applications. Django isn’t a CMS, blog engine
or wiki. Django is a set of libraries and tools which will help you to
build a web application, web service or simply a web site by your
personal preference.
Django is a FLOSS project, developed by the community and the source
code is of course available. If you’re not sure if you will like it or
you don’t believe us that it’s worth considering, here’s few interesting
– Integrated ORM (object-relational mapper)
– Well developed MVC
– Jinja like template engine
– Integrated support for testing
– Auto-generated admin interface
– Support for validating and generating HTML forms from data models
– DB scheme migration based on changes in data models
– Internationalization
– Built-in dev web server
It’s the Python. What else? (:
The idea is that in the first Django workshop we introduce you to Django
through standard tutorial and begin a talk on deployment Python based
web projects to a production server. We hope you will like Django and
Python, and that you will find nice use for it and then that you will
share those experiences with us in some future events.