Free Software Day

15th September is the world known day as Free Software Day. It is celebrated around the world in many different ways. This year LUGoNS, our biggest and oldest community of Linux users, will celebrate this day with all of You interested in Free software and willing to find out more and learn about Freedom and Free software at Miletićev square in Novi Sad. We’ll be dressed out in our well known LUGoNS shirts.

In more than 10 years we have patiently and persistently shared our knowledge and experience about Free software, giving our help to everybody willing to learn and progress in domain of Free software. Today, those are our successful colleagues in IT domain and proud users of Free software.

To us, Free software is well known term. Many of you did not hear or did not hear enough about it. Free software, defined by Free Software foundation, is software which can be used, copied, changed, redistributed without any restrictions. Completely free!

You don’t think it is possible? Free software is FREEDOM to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve software. There is large number of communities and individuals which constantly work on it, study and puts theirs improvements in and than give it back to all users to share and use. LUGoNS is one of such communities, taught to share and during that process to build good peer relationships as well as friendships. First of all we are educational institution and than a group of happy people in mood for party 🙂

If you have any doubts please visit or or if you are courage enough visit IRC server on, room #lugons and feel free to tell us all you think about.

We are happy to share time with You and wish to all of us happy Freedom Day!

Yours LUGoNS