Linux Install Day -> Saturday, 11th October 2014. from 10:00 to 16:00 hour

Installation and setup Linux by members of LUGoNS

Where, what, who?
Linux Install Day will be held on Saturday , 11th October 2014 . from 10.00-16.00pm at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad. The idea is to help you to install Linux. For those who choose that we install Linux for them, they will receive from us installation DVD or CD, if we have them in stock.

Why are we doing this?
Many times people have asked us why we wanted to donate some knowledge, and then to resolve the mystery. We are not masochists who like to charge their work. Simply, if you want to do, (I mean business and jobs under Linux) we have to show people that this operating system is not a chore. The more of us there Linux users, the greater the chances for a job in a Linux environment. Another reason is that it is nice to help, such as people and helped us to stand on our feet with Linux.

What to bring?
First, take the good will and patience! Since there will be relatively few members LUGoNS, we can not guarantee that your machine will be taken care first. There are just few technical requests:

  • First, If you make a desktop computer, carry case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and all cables
  • Second ,on your computer, make sure to / leave a blank, unformatted partition of at least 10GB



Faculty of Techical Sciences
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
classroom L1


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Linux Install Day –> Subota, 11. oktobar 2014. godine od 10:00-16:00h

Instalacija ili podešavanje Linux-a od strane LUGoNS članova

Kad, šta, ko, kome, gde?
U subotu 11. oktobra 2014. od 10.00-16.00h na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka (FTN) u učionici L1, će se održati Install Day. Ideja je da Vam pomognemo da instalirate Linux ili ako ste ga sami instalirali, podesimo koliko je to u našoj moći. Za one koji se odluče da im mi instaliramo Linux, dobijaju od nas instalcioni DVD ili CD, ukoliko ih imamo na lageru.

Zašto mi ovo radimo?
Mnogo puta su nas ljudi pitali zašto bismo hteli da poklonimo nekom znanje, pa da razrešimo i tu misteriju. Nismo mazohisti koji vole da ne naplaćuju svoj rad. Jednostavno, ako želimo da radimo, (mislim na posao i zaposlenje pod Linux-om) moramo pokazati ljudima da ovaj operativni sistem nije bauk. Što više nas linuxovaca postoji, veće su šanse za posao u Linux okruženju. Drugi razlog je što je lepo pomoći kao što su i nama ljudi pomagali da stanemo na noge sa Linux-om.

Šta poneti?
Prvo, poneti dobru volju i strpljenje i to pod obavezno! Pošto je LUGoNS članova relativno malo, ne možemo garantovati da će vaša mašina biti sređena prva. Od tehničih zahteva imamo samo par:

1. Ako donosite desktop računar, ponesite kućište, monitor, tastaturu, miš i sve kablove
2. Na računaru OBAVEZNO napravite/ostavite jednu praznu, neformatiranu particiju od bar 10GB

Problem je u tome što ako donesete samo neki deo i uspemo da ga podesimo da radi sa našim hardverom, to nije garancija da će vam taj deo raditi kad ga odnesete kući. Poseban problem predstavlja podešavanje rezolucije na monitoru koji nije Vaš.

Šta očekivati?
Operativan Linux i razumnu količinu podrške. Šta pod ovim podrazumevamo? Prvo, da će Vaš Linux moći da se podigne, da ćete Vi moći da radite u njemu u svim aplikacijama koje Vam instaliramo i da ćete moći da, ako poželite, dodate programe po Vašem izboru sa medijuma koji vam damo. Što se tiče podrške, prvenstveno mislimo na forum i mailing liste. Kada kažemo “razumna količina”, mislimo na to da ćemo Vam svakako odgovoriti ukoliko znamo rešenje, a to podrazumeva da morate detaljno opisati problem.

Šta ne očekivati?
Prvo, da će Vam baš svako parče hardvera besprekorno raditi (prvenstveno se misli na dial-up modeme i hibridne grafičke kartice u nekim laptopovima). Zbog toga što kompanije ne žele da izdaju specifikaciju hardvera, postoje poteškoće sa pojedinim uređajima, mada većina radi besprekorno. Druga stvar koju ne treba da očekujete je “neograničena količina podrške”. Kako nama ovo nije posao, ne može se očekivati da Vam budemo uvek na raspolaganju i sa odgovorima na sva pitanja. Treće, instaliranje Linux-a u raznim virtuelniom mašinama za Windows ne podržavamo, pošto najveći broj nas nema iskustva sa tim programima (mi smo ipak Linux User Group, ne Windows User Group). Takođe, Wubi instalacija Ubuntua nije podržana iz istih razloga.

Mesto održavanja:

Fakultet tehničkih nauka
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6
21000 Novi Sad
učionica L1


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Linux Install Day -> Saturday, 29th March 2014. from 11:00 to 16:00 hour

Installation and setup Linux by members of LUGoNS

Where, what, who?
Linux Install Day will be held on Saturday , 29th March 2014 .  from 11.00-16.00pm  at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad.  The idea is to help you to install Linux. For those who choose that we install Linux for them, they will receive from us installation DVD or CD, if we have them in stock.

Why are we doing this?
Many times people have asked us why we wanted to donate some knowledge, and then to resolve the mystery. We are not masochists who like to charge their work. Simply, if you want to do, (I mean business and jobs under Linux) we have to show people that this operating system is not a chore. The more of us there Linux users, the greater the chances for a job in a Linux environment. Another reason is that it is nice to help, such as people and helped us to stand on our feet with Linux.

What to bring?
First, take the good will and patience! Since there will be relatively few members LUGoNS, we can not guarantee that your machine will be taken care first. There are just  few technical requests:

  • First, If you make a desktop computer, carry case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and all cables
  • Second ,on your computer, make sure to / leave a blank, unformatted partition of at least 10GB



Faculty of Techical Sciences
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
classroom No. 207 (second floor)


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